Fiep System

The Fiep System is composed of Fiep (Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná), Sesi (Industrial Social Service), Senai (National Service for Industrial Apprenticeship) and IEL (Euvaldo Lodi Institute). Its mission is to “serve and strengthen the industry to improve people’s lives”.

To achieve this mission, the Fiep System works in cohesion with local partners to promote education, sustainable growth, and improve people’s lives by focusing on industrial development and representation.

The Industrial Social Service, known as Sesi in Paraná, is the entity of the Fiep System that works for the benefit of workers, their families and the community, through actions related to education, as well as to health and safety, as well as initiatives the socially responsible management of the industrial enterprise.

Focusing on innovative and quality teaching, Sesi in Paraná joined CIFAL Curitiba to generate training and exchange of experiences, to promote the development of capacities in its region.

Visit the web site of the Fiep System: